Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Axioms of Life

We went over the "Beginning" Basics books. Now we will venture into the more advanced books. These are still basic books on Dianetics and Scientology. Enjoy !
Advanced Procedure and Axioms
With new breakthroughs on the nature and anatomy of engrams — “Engrams are effective only when the individual himself determines that they will be effective” — came the discovery of the being’s use of a Service Facsimile: a mechanism employed to explain away failures in life, but which then locks a person into detrimental patterns of behavior and further failure. In consequence came a new type of processing addressing Thought, Emotion and Effort detailed in the “Fifteen Acts” of Advanced Procedure and oriented to the rehabilitation of the preclear’s Self-determinism. Hence, this book also contains the all-encompassing, no-excuses-allowed explanation of Full Responsibility, the key to unlocking it all. Moreover, here is the codification of Definitions, Logics, and Axioms, providing both the summation of the entire subject and direction for all future research. See Handbook for Preclears, written as a companion self-processing manual to Advanced Procedure and Axioms.

Thought, Emotion and Effort
With the codification of the Axioms came the means to address key points on a case that could unravel all aberration. Basic Postulates, Prime Thought, Cause and Effect and their effect on everything from memory and responsibility to an individual’s own role in empowering engrams — these matters are only addressed in this series. Here, too, is the most complete description of the Service Facsimile found anywhere — and why its resolution removes an individual’s self-imposed disabilities.

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