Monday, October 27, 2008

A Near Cure-All !

In the last blog, we mentioned about working and producing a worthwhile product. But have you ever felt so down and tired that you don't want to do anything? Could that be the condition where certain people who do not have your best interest in mind want you to be?

The way to start handling those "certain people" is contained in the Cause of Suppression booklet. There is also a very simple thing you can do to handle the down and tired feeling.

L Ron Hubbard mentions this in his book: The Problems of Work. He says;

"When one feels tired on finishing his work - no matter if the thought of doing so is almost all he can tolerate without falling through the floor - he should go out and walk around the block until he feels rested.

Take a Walk is, within reason, a near cure-all. "

That and other great tidbits are contained in the above book.

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