Saturday, March 1, 2008

A couple of announcements

March is here and we want to start it with a few announcements.

We are always looking for new people to join our team on staff at the Mission. If you ever wanted to do something with a group that makes a difference in the world, we can use you. Whether you are a Scientologist or not, you can do something to help forward our purpose as stated in the Aims of Scientology. It's not easy but as of any worthwhile thing, the rewards are great. Contact Cheri Rodriguez of Diane Gagon at (206) 365-1884 for more information.

March is also the month we celebrate the birth and life of the founder of Dianetics and Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard. We will have a big worldwide celebration and the local one in Seattle will be held later on in the month. Date, location and time will be announced soon.

You are invited to stop in and find out what Scientology is all about. If you have heard good things about us, come in and find out about it. And if you've heard bad things that has colored your opinion of us, come in also. You either have a new awareness of what we do or you'll find out for yourself what those bad things are :). Reading stuff on the internet, other media sources (like this Blog) and word of mouth is fine but it doesn't replace being there.

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